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Remuneration to members of Group Management

On this page, you can find information about remuneration to Group Management.

Guidelines for remuneration to Group Management

The Annual General Meeting 2021 resolved to adopt the Board's proposal for guidelines for remuneration to Group Management , which the company uses when deciding upon remuneration to Group Management. The guidelines apply until further notice.

Click here to read the Board's proposal for remuneration guidelines

Outstanding incentive schemes

Each outstanding share- and share price-related incentive scheme was adopted by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with proposals presented by the Board. The Board's proposals contain a description of the contents of each incentive scheme.

The Board's proposal for each outstanding incentive scheme can be found in the documents below:

LTI 2024/2026

LTI 2023/2025

LTI 2022/2024

LTI 2021/2023

Remuneration 2023

For information on remuneration to the Board of Directors and Group Management click on the links to read the remuneration report 2023 and note 9 on page 87 in the Annual and Sustainability Report 2023.

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